Saturday, 19 February 2011

Day er 16-17 ..Diligent Debriefing...

Thurs17th and Fri 18th

Right now J is in Vienna, lucky sod - for the weekend whilst I hold the fort at Gs farm. Alls is quiet on the camel front except for the office where i'm blasting some classic rocking metal from their new pcs, mwahahaha! I had been thinking about going back to bed since we had to be up and atam before the bells so J could get a lift to the station, but after breakfast I just wasnt tired. STRANGE, considering how i love my sleep, I can even nap standing up. Hmm...Really must stop rambling....

Donnerstag...pretty chilled out day..I can hardly remember what happened! Spent alota time on the net trying to get organised, only 2 weeks left until i hustle on down to Deutschland! GASPS. Hoping to make my way to Vienna and Linz with friends before I cross the boarder aaannndd if couch surfing prayers are answered I'll make a day for exploring Salzburg! Es soll schön sein!
One of the workers is continuing to magically wash our clothes, of course we've been making the most of that by bringing down dirty piles each day....soon we will have to have a shower party ...once the taps are installed in our new Helper bathroom!! Ahh lifes blessings, full of fresh laundry aromas and hot water!
Speaking of HOT....we filled the evening quiet time with SAUNA (when i have my own house i am most definitely having a sauna, a little piece of sizzling heaven)...I love the way it warms you right through, and it stays like some delphic flame, soothing every tension ...almost an inner skin to fortify us from the chill northern wind .....and then we relinquish cloud nine WHAM..the stinky camel yard and the smell of our shit stained boots gets us full in the face, momentarily shattering elysium..hahaha :D

Unfortunately we didnt get a ride that afternoon, although things are looking up for the weekend permitting ...G said if her friends come along we can go out with ..ON.. the whole caravan of camels..awesome! Later she pulled J and I into a big bear hug...we sometimes forget how tough things can be for her..stress from the factory..and she doesnt always have helpers to care for the animals etc its a lot of work didnt help that theres been 6 funerals in the past months ...also we are more forgiving of her kitchen tornados as we learned that she grew up having maids to do everything, like shes never learnt to do those things for herself.

Freitag...a similar day ... Ooh i just scoffed the remainder of those Waffelmischung ..chocolaty goodness! Das wer lecker! I've been trying to hold back the munchies, realising im eating way too much, i would say good thing that im getting a lot of exercise, but ahhh all these pasteries ....remembering a few days ago as i had to heave myself onto Halfi's back TOO MANY PIES!.......speaking of food, the bells are tolling, best go and give camels lunch ..i just put the horses out because the sky seemed to be brightening up...dreaded last words ..gah as i trudged back dark clouds loomed....
Hmm where was I? The most exciting things of the day happened to be riding on the back of a mini tractor to shift the hay plus Js Purple rice suprise for dinner (actually that was thurs) which im now gobbling down the remainder of ....later in the evening we went for tea and strudel with Hm  and I met Markus Hms grandson who does odd bits and bobs around the farm, he decided not to take on the elastics factory and I cant say i dont blame him when he's already got a great career in hand-gliding combined with 'extreme photos' taken whilst in the! Time for a verrry fast shower and off to Jks for Tacos, Wine, Wii and Uno..another lovely evening on the cake, apparently it gave W a stomach ache OOPS haha even though the girls ate most of it and were fine ..obviously 'man' pains ...that night we bought a bottle of wine ..but im still up for more baking ...maybe lemon drizzle ...and not raiding random kitchen ingredients this time :p

The rain keeps threatening me ...I dont wish to trudge back through the mud just yet, thankyou very much ...GROWLS at splashing droplets....hmm we'll leave it there...defo shouldnt have had that thermos of coffee earlier...all jittery!!!

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