Wednesday, 6 April 2011

Grey Days..

Somehow i managed to miss a day ...its wednesday already !! What day did i miss!! Perhaps its all the smoke in this place ... I should add that i havent felt the need to light up since the day after i arrived ..honest to god ..apart from this morning, after i read Mango's blog. I cant let go of this, the world just wont function if the Mango light isnt on it. She wrote and let go of all her fears ... really deep. Heck. knowing what we know, what to do...i still stand on the belief that after the dark days have passed she will be in kenya with a farm of honey beers..i mean bees!
Life is on the edge of reality...a thorny edge.. of late...i toss my lot to go travel such beauty and yet the further i go the shitter the world becomes...a painting of bright colours on a black canvas.

The dawn was grey. In fact, there was no dawn, the clouds soaked up all the light...just a windy tempest. Although it was refeshing to be blown about atop the cliffs ..ok hillocks .. lull'd by soft zephyrs. . . .

M. whizzed into the kitchen this morning to tackle the washing up. I tried to do that yesterday, but i couldnt work the steam machine, so i kept quiet about that. The we sorted out the coldcuts etc for lunch, prepared bit early..M started munching, said we should eat now cos probably have to clean out -- steel tank --- the kitchen afterwards. Ha! Not bloody likely ..ergo time to bugger off for a brief walk. .
I think im eating way too much bread here...they gotta stop baking it fresh..i cant resist the smell!
N turned up later ... i thought we were supposed to be helping him out for tomorrow, but R found a wonderful job...washing windows!!! Sounds like a boring chore ..on the meant i could be outside doing something productive. If i had started this earlier I can tell you i would have blitzed all the windows on the island! As it was i did the thatched cottage ..a pair of kitchen windows, and two doors..spit n shine!!
AAaannnd that, was my job for the day! Wicked .. and i finally donned the jump suit they tried to get me to wear yesterday, certainly now look the part. eh trendy :p
Soooo time for more cider and story scribbling on the windy cliffs. . .

Now had the Abendessen..homemade Mousaka ..mmm my favourite!! Danish version cant beat the Greeks from Erasmus though!! it looks as if everyone has gone to bed ...just me prattling away on the pc, oli ..guessing by the redness of his face ...its in steady stupour of beer, leaning on the bar with a cigarette.

Big day tomorrow..the bands are arriving about 4pm ....yep he's drunk..stumbling sailor! ... ANYWAY..i will see Angelika again :D and possibly be helping out in the kitchen ...R also mentioned there will be a group of Irish musicians and it would be good to get ..pally with them?? I think thats what he suggested...bit vague on that part. Interesting day tomorrow for sure!

Right well, I reckon i might hit the decks...stoned chef and drunken sailor ....bbyyyyyeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

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