Tis about half 4 Friday afternoon, last night was FolkBalitica ... hobbits grand night out! :p
The day was interspersed with doing some final touches to the boathouse, love all the red velvet .....What the..am sitting in bar right now, and suddenly the speakers are blaring somekind of freeaky laallaalaa garble ...cranks up Judas Priest!!! Bah Anyway...hmm back in the kitchen, at least the chef has decent music as we work preparing food for 275 guests ... dreading the aftermath!!
Liedertach arrived not long after midday ...wooo big hug from my helpX Ma Angelika..feels so much longer than a week!! Ocassionally i felt like saying ..pleaaase take me back with you!! But that would be giving up and i would shame myself as well as my hosts. Store Okseoe is a wonderful place, people very chilled out....but i hate smelling like an ash tray and doing mind infuriating jobs like washing dishes. On the other hand the pace is soo slow that i have really got some great time for creative writing, a fated bonus i guess. ... and...OMG FARMER JOE MUSIC... and i guess i should stop grumbling - im in Denmark for godssake scratching those itchy feet....!!
On one of my many forays out to the bar..now signed Backstage only..I stumbled into tall blonde fella ..jeans - white T - leather jacket--.Mmm. He asked me if there was somewhere he could lie down for a bit, bless him ...No lou, you cant take the Irish boy back to your room...that was the first place i thought of haha because i hadnt clue where else - K suggested stoned chefs room ..which she told me in German, and I actually understood ..I said, follow me - to the sleepy honey then looked back at K as we both realised the language bafflement.
Working in the kitchen....there are glass doors looking in on us from the patio - which probably isn t always a good idea....since it can look pretty hetic in a messy way ....and a few beer bottles dotted about the place ..yep its best you just eat the yummy food and dont think about the scenery it was made in!
Thankfully i wasnt chained to the kitchen all night, R told me to go enjoy the show..so i did :)
Two bands tonight.. the Norwegian Irish Duo..played pretty funky music..weird how an accordian and various guitars worked together.
Liedertach were good - had audience stamping feet and clapping.
One moment ..I was in and out of our secret door to the concert all night ...with a bottle of Blackbird, a guy came up ..to ask where he could get such a bottle of beer..no no its just for us special workers ..Sarah came up - my kitchen slave buddy - to repeat in Deutsch ..Oooh shame - he smiled and raised an eyebrow, which was more than an eyebrow if you know what i mean!
Pah Dont trust his english :p
N reckoned we were going to get really wasted tonight! Am pretty sure i was on par with no. beers..but nope still have all faculites..what the heck was in those bottles ..not alot obviously.
It was a beauty of a night, clear sky, crescent moon- looking very picturesque with little lights shining way to the ferry....which can now only hold 12 people due to some rule...yup 275 coming over in sets of 12!
This is a random blog to read i can imagine, with patchy descriptions of the night...because my brain cant compute with this loud music too folky to work to!
This morning was lazy recovery day ...M was up a godknows what time tackling the mountains of dishes and hell left over from last night!! Crazy!!
I went to bed for a bit...showered, smelling clean but only for a while i guess before entering the chimnies !! Ok this is ridiculous i am getting a flipping headache OWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW
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